Manufacturing roundup: Thermo Fisher named contract manufacturer for Wegovy; Fujifilm Diosynth expands its business structure


Ther­mo Fish­er Sci­en­tif­ic has been named No­vo Nordisk’s con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er for We­govy by an un­named source, ac­cord­ing to a Reuters re­port

Ther­mo Fish­er and No­vo Nordisk de­clined to com­ment to End­points News. Reuters re­port­ed Wednes­day that Ther­mo Fish­er would fill the We­govy pens at its fill-fin­ish man­u­fac­tur­ing site in Greenville, NC. Reuters gave no oth­er fi­nan­cial or pro­duc­tion de­tails.

No­vo Nordisk an­nounced in June that a sec­ond con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er would be­gin pro­duc­tion for its block­buster weight loss drug We­govy, and an­oth­er con­trac­tor would come on­line lat­er this year to help boost the drug’s sup­ply.

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