Major changes could be coming to U.S. Business 20 near Rockford and you have a chance to weigh in on the changes.
Here’s what you need to know.
What part of U.S. Business 20 may see changes?
According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, the proposed changes would be a 4-mile stretch of U.S. Business 20 from Shaw Road through the State Street/Appleton Road intersection in Belvidere.
What are the possible changes?
IDOT has begun preliminary engineering and environmental studies for expanding the road from two to four lanes.
More: Major road project impacting I-39/US 20 exits near Rockford, Cherry Valley on the horizon
Why are these changes being considered?
According to IDOT, the changes are being discussed to accommodate future traffic projections as development in the area continues.
How would widening the road be possible?
The proposed project would involve use of land at the Beaver Bluffs Conservation Area from the BooneCounty Conservation District and land from the Belvidere Park District within the Glenn H. Green OpenSpace Area.
How much land would be used from the conservation area and park district?
Less than one half acre of right-of-way and less than one half acre of temporary easement would be used from the 23-acre Glenn H. Green Open Space area. Less than one acre of temporary easement will be required from 79.1-acre Beaver Bluffs Conservation Area.
You said I get to weigh in on the changes, how?
IDOT will host a virtual public meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. Thursday, May 11. For additional information about the study or to register for the public meeting and send questions to IDOT staff online, please visit https://tinyurl.com/USBusiness20Study.
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