A New Business
G. W. Wright, agt., has engaged in business at 1219 Market. His business is to furnish every day the best of country produce, fruits, oysters, fish, etc. The word “fresh” applies to everything of this sort, for this market is fully replenished every morning.
The very choicest and largest oysters Wright receives twice every week from the Chesapeake Bay, and the best come from the Chesapeake. Wright will save you a half cent a pound on your turkeys.
Hay, straw, flour and mill feed is an important branch of this business. W.Va. phone.
The King Fisherman
T.H. Davis, the Sixth street, fish, oyster and milk man has a fresh supply of what he sells every morning in the year. A daily market which assures the freshest always, Ohio River and Kanawha fish, lake and sea fish and oysters received every day from the Chesapeake.
An Inducing Guarantee
To the man who contemplates a new winter suit I can offer this guarantee: If not perfectly satisfied in fit, style and quality, the suit is a present. “Satisfaction in every particular” is what every patron says.
J.K. Fletcher, the merchant tailor, No. 610 Seventh Street.
Economy Is This
A.E. Mecum’s business is to look after your wardrobe and see that your appearance is ever neat by regular pressing, cleaning and repairing. At the following prices his services are always in demand: Pressing trousers, 15 cents; pressing entire suits, 60 cents; cleaning and pressing suit, $1.00; pressing and cleaning overcoat, $1.00. No. 601 1/2 Market.
How About Your Watch?
Your jewelry repairing entrusted to me I guarantee will be satisfactory or no remuneration will be asked. If your watch is not keeping up with the times or is just a shade ahead of the times, leave it with me and ’twill tell you the truth; my charges are just what the best service is worth.
Chas. H. Schaefer, 328 Juliana, Boreman Building.
Cut Down on Gas Bills
A.A. Martin’s gas stoves burn best, burn less and look best. Not as expensive as others either. That’s why there are so many in use in Parkersburg. Before deciding on your next stove see Martin’s. Fifth street adjoining [the] Auditorium.
Save Fifty Per Cent by purchasing whiskey, wine, brandy, rum, gin, etc., for the holidays from I.A. Rosenheim and S. Rosenheim, Agents at 309 Third street.
Beauty Is Blood Deep
Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets. Beauty for ten cents. At all drug stores, satisfaction guaranteed.
The Parkersburg Daily State Journal
Jan. 5, 1900
Prettiest Lawn
To have a pretty lawn in the summer plant the grass now. Get Landredth’s mixed lawn grass seed at Borman’s, 20 cents a pound, 10 cents half pound. It is a mixture of several kinds of seed to suit and soil, and where one kind is not suitable, others are. It produces a fine and thick cluster of grass. “Get it at Boreman’s,” and plant it right away. 513-515 Market St.
A Pretty Vehicle
One of the prettiest and neatest vehicles ever brought to town is on display at the Logan Carriage works. It is known as the Baby American pneumatic open buggy. It is provided with wheels and tires similar to those used on bicycles, and is said to be one of the easiest rides made.
The Parkersburg Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 27, 1900
Bob Enoch is president of the Wood County Historical and Preservation Society. If you have comments or questions about Look Back items, please contact him at: roberteenoch@gmail.com, or by mail at WCHPS, PO Box 565, Parkersburg, WV 26102.
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