Lilo & Stitch: The Series is an action-adventure animated television series produced by Disney. The series revolves around Lilo and Stitch, who are tasked with collecting hundreds of other missing Jumba experiments. The duo is also supposed to find the Jumba experiments the one place where they belong before they are captured by former Captain Gantu and his partner Reuben (Experiment 625) for Dr. Hämsterviel, who is imprisoned.
Here’s where you can watch Lilo & Stitch: The Series online.
Where can you watch and stream Lilo & Stitch: The Series?
You can watch and stream Lilo & Stitch: The Series on Disney Plus.
The series’ voice cast includes Chris Sanders as Stitch, Daveigh Chase as Lilo Pelekai, David Ogden Stiers as Dr. Jumba Jookiba, Kevin McDonald as Pleakley, Tia Carrere as Nani Pelekai, Jeff Bennett as Dr. Jacques von Hämsterviel, Kevin Michael Richardson as Gantu, Rob Paulsen as X-625, Liliana Mumy as Mertle Edmonds, and Dee Bradley Baker as David Kawena.
How to watch Lilo & Stitch: The Series and stream online?
Fans can subscribe to Disney Plus and watch the series. The basic plan for Disney Plus with ads costs $7.99 a month, and the premium ad-free plan costs $10.99 a month. Disney Plus also has a yearly subscription plan that costs $109.99. All the subscription plans will allow fans to watch the series on Disney Plus.
You can watch Lilo & Stitch: The Series on Disney Plus by following these steps:
- Open the Disney Plus app or website
- Click on “Sign up”
- Enter email address
- Enter the password
- Choose a favorable plan
- Select the series and press play
The official synopsis for the series reads:
“This animated series chronicles the further adventures of renegade scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba’s beloved Experiment 626, who is now living happily as Lilo’s alien buddy Stitch. Jumba’s remaining experiments have landed all over Hawaii in the form of dehydrated pods. Lilo and Stitch’s mission is to catch Stitch’s “cousins” before they fall into the clutches of the evil Dr. Jacques von Hamsterviel!.”
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