LETTER: Support small business owners


As a small business owner, I’m all about fair competition. Illinois’ economy depends on competition to ensure a healthy environment for the small business entrepreneurs who keep our state going. Rep. Darin LaHood’s work as a longtime leader in trade has been particularly crucial in keeping Illinois and the rest of America an economic superpower.

Unfortunately, Congress has recently zeroed in on changing the de minimis threshold, which exempts taxes on imported goods valued under $800. It helps small sellers like me avoid extra red tape and excessive costs on products my business depends on. As Congress considers bills like the De Minimis Reciprocity Act and Import Security and Fairness Act, it’s important to remember that any changes to de minimis would seriously impact the way we do business. A change to de minimis could ultimately mean higher prices for my customers.

We need to make sure our trade laws keep us competitive, but it shouldn’t at the expense of the American entrepreneurs. Rep. LaHood and the rest of Congress should make sure any future policy proposals keep our businesses strong.


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