Dear Editor: Recent years have been rough for small businesses. After overcoming the pandemic and working through skilled labor shortages, supply chain problems and historic inflation, businesses like ours are trying to return to normal. However, recent initiatives in Congress could backfire on millions of small businesses that benefit from the way trade laws have operated for almost 100 years, just as we get things under control.
Bills like the De Minimis Reciprocity Act would change the current “de minimis” rule, a customs law that helps small businesses circumvent red tape and excess taxes on imported shipments valued below $800. This rule is helpful for independent businesses like ours. By making it easier to operate without the extra effort in filling out complicated customs paperwork, de minimis lets companies focus on their business. This means fulfilling customer orders without delays and providing products or services efficiently.
All this would become more tedious if lawmakers overturn the current rule. It could force small businesses to extend the delivery time of products or services, adding inefficiencies to the supply and delivery chain.
Congress should stick to legislation that empowers, not undermines, home-based manufacturers like me and keep the current de minimis rule in place.
Cecil Edirisinghe
Owner, Velicon in Milwaukee County
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