I have read Senator Tommy Tuberville’s contention that who wins the war in Ukraine is not in the interest of the United States.
It reminded me of Charles Lindbergh’s contention in 1940 that Hitler’s invasion and conquest of Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France was not in the interest of the United States. This isolationist sentiment only encourages dictators to attack, invade, and occupy lands beyond their own, as if it is none of our business.
Whenever one country attacks, invades, and occupies another country, it should be the business of all nations in the world, especially members of the United Nations, formed after the terrible lessons of World War II aggression.
Stopping conquests and defending those attacked is always in the interest of the United States and other countries who believe in right over wrong. Injustice anywhere should be our concern.
Daniel Haulman, Montgomery
This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Letter: Injustice around the world is everyone’s business
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