Based on the iconic film franchise of the same name, LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special is a 2020 animated movie in association with LEGO. The movie follows Rey, who embarks on a thrilling adventure, through iconic moments in history, after she stumbles across a mysterious crystal that allows time travel. Read on to find out how you can watch and stream the movie online!
Here’s where you can watch LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special online.
Where can you watch and stream LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special?
You can watch and stream LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special on Disney Plus.
LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special features the voices of Helen Sadler, Omar Benson Miller, Jake Green, Kelly Marie Tran, Trevor Devall, Matt Sloan, Billy Dee Williams, Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Tom Kane, Anthony Daniels, Dee Bradley Baker, A.J. LoCascio, Ben Prendergast, Eric Bauza, Grey DeLisle, and Matthew Wood.
How to watch LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special and stream online
A Disney Plus subscription is required to watch LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special and other installments of the LEGO Star Wars series. Disney Plus is a subscription-based streaming platform owned by The Walt Disney Company. It offers a vast library of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic content, including movies, TV shows, and exclusive original programming.
You can watch the special via Disney Plus by following these steps:
- Visit DisneyPlus.com
- Select ‘Sign Up Now’
- Enter your email and password
- Select a subscription plan
- $7.99 per month (Basic)
- $10.99 per month or $109.99 per year (Premium)
- Enter your payment information
The Disney Plus Basic plans allows users to stream the service’s content with ads, while the Premium plan lets users stream with no ads and download content to supported devices. There are also a variety of bundle packages, scaling from Bundle Duo Basic which pairs Disney Plus with Hulu for $9.99 per month, to the Disney Bundle Trio Premium for $19.99 per month which bundles Disney Plus, Hulu, and ESPN Plus.
The official synopsis for LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special reads:
“As her friends prep for a Life Day holiday celebration, Rey journeys with BB-8 on a quest to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force at a mysterious Jedi Temple. There, she embarks on a cross-timeline adventure through beloved moments in Star Wars history, coming into contact with iconic heroes and villains from all eras of the saga. But will she make it back in time for the Life Day feast?”
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