Learning how to forge resilience in an era of change & adversities with Udemy’s Jimmy Naraine – ETHRWorldSEA


The past few years may have jarringly reset the rhythms of both our personal and professional lives, but we have also learned to identify and refine our own set of essential tools to get through the predicaments. The way people have demonstrated the right emotional equilibrium and readiness to handle the setbacks and find their way toward more certainty or a stronger sense of self has been incredible. From scrambling to make tiny adjustments to now experimenting with alternatives, the world has come a long way, but only at the helm of ‘Resilience’. Even now as we reckon with the challenges of continuous disruption and uncertainties, we have the right tools that can help us grow steadier on our feet and enable us to face the enormity of any situation. But when we talk about resilience, what comes to your mind? Does it mean that we need to simply lug in order to get by or ensure that we have the necessary support to cope with the problems? How exactly does resilience play a critical role in helping leaders transition in times of transition, stress, and uncertainty?To find answers to all these questions, we recently invited Jimmy Naraine, Corporate Trainer, Entrepreneur & Author for an exclusive interview to share how resilience as a core skill in leaders has helped us transition through several phases of development. Moving on, we also discussed some of the simple tools and strategies that have the potential to make corporate training and learning successfully in a continuously shifting hybrid work environment.

Jimmy Naraine who will also be joining us for a special keynote session at The Economic Times Future Forward Indonesia 2023 Summit on June 15th in Jakarta is a superstar Udemy instructor with 370,000 + Udemy students and 70,000+ five-star reviews. He delivers corporate training to Fortune 500 companies worldwide, including Chemours, HDFC Bank, and Westpac, to name a few. He has explored 78 countries presenting at hundreds of prestigious events such as Afest, DigitalK, and the Sharjah Entrepreneurship Festival. Jimmy is also a Mindvalley Author who co-created an educational program with Vishen Lakhiani. Here on Udemy, Jimmy provides affordable education on personal development topics he believes should be taught in every school. His courses have received multiple mentions by publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.

Presenting a few great highlights!

The world of work has gone through some of the biggest shifts over the years and therefore, the significance of resilience and psychological safety together has been at an all-time high. We would like to understand from you, how the link between resilience and psychological safety is pertinent today and how resilient leaders can help foster a psychologically safe team culture.

Leaders actively working on their resilience are significantly more likely to cultivate a psychologically safe team culture that propels synergy. Resilient leaders understand that any challenge brings potential opportunities that can be only uncovered by those who focus on actively searching for them. The mindset of “nothing is inherently good or bad; the situation is always what we perceive it to be” encourages employees to maintain a positive attitude despite the crisis and temporary setbacks. This approach helps people redefine their relationship with failure. Resilient leaders make it clear that mistakes are not inherently harmful and can serve as valuable learning opportunities if we only allow them to. This makes the team more comfortable admitting oversights and wrong calls as they happen. It also propels employees to remove the ego from the equation and actively pursue help fixing errors.

Resilient leadership encourages more authentic communication and open dialog without fearing possible repercussions. When team members feel comfortable openly sharing bold ideas, giving and receiving constructive feedback, and discussing sensitive issues, it creates a culture of constant learning and innovation. This psychologically safe environment also elevates team morale, ultimately contributing to higher productivity.

What is Resilient Leadership and how can we build this core skill in leaders?

Resilience is the capacity to bounce back from seemingly insurmountable setbacks and to deal with obstacles while maintaining mental fortitude and a positive mindset. However, resilient leadership isn’t merely about the leader’s ability to bounce back. It’s also about training and influencing team members to develop a thicker skin, better emotional control, and the rare ability to reframe seemingly negative into positive. Hence, leaders who actively pursue resilience infuse it into their entire team directly and/or by osmosis.

Leaders can build this skill in various ways. Firstly, to lead others, we have to master leading ourselves. Hence, the foundation of any leadership is always SELF-leadership, which begins with cultivating self-awareness. Leaders need to get a clear understanding of their own knee-jerk reactions to adversity and stress.

Only by getting in touch with their emotional triggers, self-deception mechanisms, and hidden traumas can leaders learn how to navigate the stormy waters while maintaining emotional control. Proactively deepening their self-awareness and emotional intelligence equips them with practical knowledge to help their team members handle challenges and crises.

Furthermore, leaders need to proactively shift their mindset from perceiving seemingly negative situations as objectively negative to realizing that their interpretation of any event is always more powerful than the event itself. Leaders can pursue this mindset shift by actively studying past business challenges (internal and external case studies) that turned out to be blessings in disguise. This approach allows leaders to recalibrate what they focus on, also making it more likely for their team members to seek opportunities within predicaments.

Learning new technologies, techniques, and strategies has become critical in staying competitive today, especially as we are continuously learning to champion change. What kind of training methodologies are widely accepted and fast adopted by corporate employees today?

Continuous learning is essential for any team to stay competitive and resilient in constantly changing times. While traveling to almost 100 countries and providing training for Fortune 500 companies, I’ve identified certain aspects of training that significantly improve results.

Firstly, “mechanically” instructing employees to pursue continuous learning rarely works. Instead, we want them to “buy into” the learning culture and get intrinsically motivated. Employees need to understand how constant improvement contributes to the big picture, and our job as leaders is to make them genuinely driven by it.

Secondly, imposing a fixed one size fits all curriculum on employees is a thing of the past as it simply doesn’t work. Every person is unique. Therefore, people value flexibility and ownership when choosing which learning materials are relevant to their needs. This is why gaining complete access to an extensive content library, such as Udemy Business (UB), which provides a vast selection of topics targeting specific angles, experience levels, and diverse audiences, is so powerful. Udemy Business maintains strict quality controls, offering only top-rated courses created by experienced instructors. On-going access to customized learning is becoming the new standard, and companies that don’t provide it to their employees will miss out in the long run.

Finally, a combination of collaborative and experiential learning takes progress to a completely different level. Instead of merely consuming information, employees are encouraged to get their hands “dirty” and hone their skills by collaborating. For instance, learning soft business skills such as negotiation could involve role-playing and running simulations. Mastering a new technical skill could entail immediately implementing newly gained knowledge to co-create real-life projects. This type of learning is more immersive, and powerful, and produces real-life results.

How can we make learning easier and more fun for a dispersed workforce? What is the one piece of advice that you would like to give to our corporate trainers who are striving every day to build an adaptive and proactive workforce?

To make learning more fun and effective for a globally dispersed workforce, we want to provide exciting community learning opportunities. Employees are more likely to deepen their learning and sharpen their practical skills when they have the chance to discuss their experiences with one another, engage in vibrant discussions and friendly debates, and collaborate on projects that directly involve newly acquired skills.

One proven way to do it is to leverage the power of gamification to make learning more engaging, inspiring, and fun. Like in any captivating game, we can take advantage of gamification elements such as leaderboards, interactive quizzes, achievement badges employees can unlock, points, and even real-life prizes for those who make the most significant progress, etc.

Being a corporate trainer is very rewarding but challenging. “Setting the stage” and creating the right atmosphere from the beginning is crucial. What happens in the first moments of any corporate training will set the context for the entire session. Hence, getting people comfortable and opening them up early on is essential. In the hectic corporate world, most people crave human connection, a sense of belonging, and the “we are in this together” feeling. Personally, I like to cultivate it by reminding everyone of our common humanity and encouraging employees to drop their “masks” and be themselves during group training. Naturally, it’s always the leader’s job to ignite authentic vulnerability. This is why I often begin my corporate sessions by admitting that I do not claim to know everything and have gone through my fair share of challenges. I openly express that despite my solid track record and the value I provide, I’m always looking forward to learning from those I train. This approach creates a very open and collaborative learning environment.

In your experience, what are some of the simple tools that can help employees become more resilient and agile in the face of future disruptions?

Firstly, we need to take conscious control of what we focus on. We cannot physically process the overwhelming amounts of stimuli and concentrate on everything around us all at once. Our focus is designed to be selective and is controlled by the part of our brains called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). It’s crucial that we consciously and proactively impact what our RAS will zero in on. Hence, I encourage employees to perform “reframing” exercises whenever they face a significant setback. Instead of allowing our RAS to run wild, we want to consciously focus on the positive. A straightforward way to do it is to take a piece of paper and brainstorm ALL potential benefits and hidden opportunities we can notice in a given predicament. This quick exercise makes it easier to recalibrate and cultivate our resilience.

Secondly, most people find it arduous to control extreme emotions and tend to overreact whenever a challenge or issue appears on their horizon. I encourage employees to consciously extend the “pause” between any negative stimulus and their response to it. A simple way to regain emotional control is to condition ourselves to always take not just one but THREE slow, deep breaths through the nose before allowing ourselves to react. Initially, it will be challenging, but based on my experience, most people can condition themselves to eliminate their destructive knee-jerk reactions in a matter of weeks.

Lastly, whenever I train employees, I offer them a powerful thought experiment designed to maintain emotional control and find the courage to keep smiling despite predicaments. Namely, I ask them to imagine that a documentary crew is always filming them, and those videos will become a part of their legacy. The question is: what will their behavior say about them to future generations? Will they act courageously and approach challenges like the influential leaders they aspire to be, or will they cower in the face of danger? This simple thought experiment allows people to correct their course quickly and is a powerful resilience booster.

Stay tuned for more updates live from Jakarta on June 15th at The Economic Times Future Forward Indonesia Summit 2023!

See you there 🙂

  • Published On Jun 1, 2023 at 06:00 AM IST

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