Landlord to hookah lounge where fatal stabbing occurred wants business out


ALLENTOWN, Pa. – The man who owns the building of the hookah lounge, where a 29-year-old was stabbed to death early Sunday morning, says he wants the business out as soon as possible.

Buzzy Labriola tells 69 News he had given the business owners 90 days’ notice before their lease was up May 18 that he was not planning to renew with them, due to all the disturbances he says the hookah lounge has been causing in the neighborhood.

But when the lease expired in May, Labriola says the business owners hadn’t paid the May rent, but promised to pay May and June if he let them stay until July 2.

Now, in light of the stabbing, Labriola tells 69 News that he plans go to the magistrate on Tuesday to expedite the eviction. He says he’ll pay the business owners back whatever he may owe if they are evicted before the end of the month.


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