Jackson Entrepreneurial & Real Estate Fund Launched to Boost Small Business Growth


(November 1, 2023 3:54 PM ET) The MLK Corridor Improvement Authority today announced a new grant program intended to support Southside Jackson’s redevelopment and promote business growth across the city. The Jackson Entrepreneurial and Real Estate Fund launched this week to provide direct financial assistance within three categories to City of Jackson business owners: Real Estate/Capital Grants for building or space enhancements, Business/Operating Grants for general operating expenses, and Technical Assistance Grants to obtain marketing, legal, accounting, and technology services.

“From expanding their business to establishing a brick-and-mortar location, Jackson business owners have goals that this crucial funding can turn into reality,” said George Brown, MLK Corridor Improvement Authority Board Member.

To be eligible for these grants, applicants must own a small business within the City of Jackson that has been operating for at least one year. Priority will be given to applicants located in the MLK Corridor. The MLK Corridor Improvement Authority is proudly partnering with the Jackson Community Foundation to administer grant funds and provide oversight of the grant implementation process.

“I am incredibly grateful that the Jackson Community Foundation can serve our community, and especially the Southside, by leveraging our strength of supporting grant processes to get MLKCIA Entrepreneurial and Real Estate Fund dollars into the hands of entrepreneurs and business owners,” said Monica Moser, President and CEO of the Jackson Community Foundation.

Business owners can visit MyMLKCIA.org/EntrepreneurialFund to learn more about the grant program or apply to receive a grant. Each business is eligible to receive a maximum of $25,000 in funding per category or $50,000 across each category, with a total of $250,000 disbursed across all grants. Completed grant applications should be

sent via email to jwillis@cityofjackson.org with the subject line “Entrepreneurial Fund Application,” or submitted in person to City Hall at 161 W Michigan Ave, 14th Floor, Jackson, Michigan, 49201

City of Jackson leadership formed the MLK Corridor Improvement Authority in 2020 to lead redevelopment efforts within Jackson’s Southside neighborhoods. In October 2023, the MLK CIA selected new members for the Entrepreneurial Fund subcommittee to make key decisions about processes and grantees. Membership for thel subcommittee includes Mindy Bradish-Orta, Thaddeus Williams, Victoria Moore, Robert Wilkie, Fred Parker, Jr., Tonja Worthey, Jennifer Moon, Dennis Treadway, and Cathy Moore. Learn more about the MLK CIA and subcommittees at MyMLKCIA.org


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