Italy’s iconic Vespa has a brand value of over 1 billion – English


(ANSA) – ROME, DEC 4 – Italy’s iconic Vespa has a brand value
of 1.079 billion euro, Interbrand said on Monday.

This is 19% up on the previous brand valuation of 906 million
euro carried out by the leading brand consultancy for 2021.

“The term ‘iconic’ is overused, but there’s really no other way
to define this brand,” said Manfredi Ricca, Interbrand’s Global
Chief Strategy Officer.

“Vespa is a heritage brand, and yet it is constantly evolving;
it’s deeply Italian, and yet globally loved; it’s premium, and
yet inclusive,” he added.

The Piaggio Group’s two-wheeler that featured in the classic
1953 film Roman Holiday starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck
is a brand that is “desired and in demand, but (it) also shows
that it can conquer new arenas beyond the boundaries of
mobility,” said Ricca. (ANSA).