The animated Marvel Zombies spin-off series that’s set to come to Disney+ next year will reportedly have Ms. Marvel’s Kamala Khan at the center of the story according to star Iman Vellani.
Speaking to The Direct recently, Vellani briefly touched on her character’s role in the upcoming animated series. Vellani likened Kama’s role in the series as “the Frodo of the story,” a reference to the iconic character from The Lord of the Rings franchise.
“We’ve done the whole thing,” Vellani said. “It was amazing. It was so much fun . . . There are a lot of cool characters in the Marvel Zombies show. And Kamala is kind of the center of the show. They described it to me, it’s like, ‘She’s basically the Frodo of the story.’ And I was like, ‘That’s amazing.’”
Khan continued to reflect on living out her fantasies of having Kamala interact with so many other superheroes, even if it is just their voices.
“And I get to interact and meet all these people along her journey,” said Vellani. “And, yes, they’re only the voices, and I don’t get to hear their voices in real time. But just, it’s my fantasies, right? Like, knowing Kamala is going to interact with some really cool people, even if it’s just animation, is so special in a lot of ways.”
What is Marvel Zombies about?
Marvel Zombies was originally announced in 2021 alongside a handful of other animated Marvel Studios projects. The series will be directed by Bryan Andrews from a screenplay written by Zeb Wells. Andrews and Wells will also executive produce the series, which will reimagine the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a new generation of heroes trying to battle against zombies.
Marvel Zombies originally began as a five-issue limited series published by Marvel Comics in 2005. The series was such a hit that it quickly became referenced in other media, including in an episode of the Disney+ series Marvel’s What If…?
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