How To Change An IP Address In 2023


There are a number of benefits you can enjoy if you take the time to change your IP address, including:

Protect Online Privacy

When you change your IP address, you hide your geolocation. Hackers as well as websites that track your web activity won’t be able to tell where you are. Even if you only use the internet from time to time, a new IP address can give you some peace of mind.

Bypass Government Restrictions

Believe it or not, some governments use IP addresses to restrict access to specific websites. If you change your IP address, you can hide from these government sensors and give yourself the freedom to access any website you’d like.

Access Regional Content

If you travel often for work or pleasure, you might find it difficult to access regional content, such as sporting events. You’ll be able to solve this issue with a new IP address. It will give websites the impression that you’re using them from an approved region.

Troubleshoot Issues

It’s not uncommon for new routers to give devices the wrong IP address. If you reset your router, you can easily solve this issue as well as a few other IT glitches you might face. You’ll find that many IT pros recommend you reset your router and see if that does the trick before they intervene.

Bottom Line

If you’re looking for an easy way to protect your online privacy, you may want to change your IP address. Regardless of what type of device or operating system you have, you’re sure to find the process seamless, especially when you follow our step-by-step instructions above. Best of luck!

Canadian specific editing and research conducted by Anna Rey.


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