How much it costs to live in the best-run municipality in South Africa


The office of the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) has published its annual review of local municipalities, covering audit results for the 2021/22 financial year – revealing the West Coast as the best-run in the country.

The review reflected an overall decline in the financial health of South Africa’s municipalities, with the vast majority not receiving a clean audit.

Of the 257 municipalities, only 38 managed to get a clean audit for the period in review, down from 41 municipalities in 2020/21.

A clean audit requires municipalities to provide financial statements that are free from material misstatements (in other words, a financially unqualified audit opinion), and there are no material findings on reporting on performance objectives or non-compliance with legislation.

According to AGSA, municipalities with clean audits are characterised by sound financial and performance management disciplines and perform their functions in accordance with applicable legislation.

These municipalities show what can be in South Africa and serve as a shining example to others.

The AGSA lists 33 municipalities in the country that have managed to achieve consecutive clean audits. Most of these municipalities are in the Western Cape, which accounts for 19 – more than all the other provinces combined (14).

The North-West and Free State have no municipalities ranked.

The best-run municipality in the country is the West Coast District Municipality – achieving a clean audit for 12 years in a row.

The map below shows the West Coast Municipal area in South Africa.

How much it costs to buy a house in West Coast DM

According to Property24’s Annual Sales and Listing Trends, there seems to be a relatively active property market on the West Coast – with already 1,959 homes having been sold as of May 2023.

The property platform showed that there are currently 1,303 homes on sale on the West Coast, with most listings having three and four bedrooms. also provided the average listing price of properties currently for sale on the West Coast by the number of bedrooms – giving you a good idea of how much it would cost to purchase a home in the municipality.

The data shows that the average asking price across the listed properties is R1,595,000 – with the average asking price by bedroom count ranging from R999,000 for a 1-bedroom to R4,390,000 for five plus bedrooms.

According to the comparative data on Cape Town, properties in the West Coast municipality are just over half that of those listed in the City of Cape Town, which has an average price of R2,695,000, with the majority being one, two and three Bedroom homes.

Considering these the average asking price on West Coast, BusinessTech looked at some of the houses of sale at the average price points to give you an idea of what your money could buy in the best-run municipality.

These properties are listed below, sourced from


Da Gama Village

Country Club

Myburgh Park

Read: Cape Town’s lap of luxury – where a house will set you back R100 million


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