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Trademark registration in Nigeria is regulated by the Trademark
Act LFN 1990. Trademark registration protects a brand/trade name,
slogan, label, domain name, shape, colour, logo, etc from
competitors and other firms using same or similar name. It
relatively distinguishes and protects a trade symbol from others
and prevents others from violating or copying the uniqueness of the
registered trademark.
What are the procedures for registering trademark in Nigeria?
- Conduct trademark name search to ascertain the availability of
the trade name. - Complete trademark application form and submit the application
to CAC. A trade name search can also be done after the application
has been sent. - An acknowledgment letter is issued after a favourable search,
and it serves as initial evidence of an ongoing trademark
registration. - An acceptance letter will be issued for trademark
publication - The trademark will be published on a trademark journal to
enable any pre-existing trademark (but not registered) to stop the
registration within two (2) months of publication. In absence of
any opposition or opposition query resolved, a certificate of
registration will be issued and granted, proving all processes are
What are the requirements for registering a trademark in
- The applicant information i.e., company or individual name,
nationality, office, or home address, contact number, passport
photographs and the class of good or services sought to be
registered. - The signature of the applicant
- Invented word(s), logo, symbol to be proposed for trademarking
(More than three names can be proposed by you for application to
avoid the stress of going back and forth)
What are the requirements for registering a trademark in
Trademark registration may take up to 1 year to be fully
completed. However, upon the issuance of an acceptance letter in
about 4 to 6 weeks of start date, you are guaranteed of the
protection you need to be able to trade in your goods or services.
Each of the steps involved in trademark registration takes time.
Below is an indication of how long it will take you to register
your trademark in Nigeria.
The issuance of acknowledgement letter takes 24 hours after
application submission
- The issuance of acceptance letter takes 4-6 weeks after the
issued acknowledgement letter - Trademark publication on trademark journal is usually done
within 32 weeks of acceptance - Trademark Certificate is obtainable 12 weeks after the
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The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.
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