Honest Renovations Trailer Previews Jessica Alba’s Home Renovation Show


The official Honest Renovations trailer for The Roku Channel’s upcoming reality show has been released, starring Jessica Alba and Lizzy Mathis as they changed parents lives by renovating their family homes. The 6-episode series is scheduled to make its debut on August 18 on The Roku Channel.

The video features Alba and Mathis surprising different parents who are in need of a much-need home renovation for their families. Through the process, they’ll get to know the struggles of each family.

Check out the Honest Renovations trailer below (watch more trailers):

What is Honest Renovations about?

Parenting is tough, and it’s even more challenging when your home isn’t working for your family’s needs. That’s where best friends Jessica Alba and Lizzy Mathis come in. They’re surprising parents with renovations to take their homes from cluttered and chaotic to functional and fabulous—but this isn’t your average home reno show. This duo gets honest about the pain points of parenting and the pressure points of a family home, with heartwarming moments and plenty of laughter along the way.

In addition to starring, Alba and Mathis are also executive producing along with Michael Rotenberg, Dunia McNeily, Oly Obst, and Scott Feeley. It hails from High Noon Entertainment and 3 Arts Entertainment.


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