The thriller series Harlan Coben’s Shelter is based on Harlan Coben’s novel of the same name. It follows the story of Mickey Bolitar, who begins a new life in New Jersey’s suburbs after the demise of his father. But when a student from his school goes missing, he teams up with his friends Spoon and Ema to locate her. Following her trail, the three discover a web of mysteries about several people who went missing over time. If you wish to stream this mystery thriller series, you could easily do it via a subscription.
Here’s where you can watch Harlan Coben’s Shelter online.
Where can you watch and stream Harlan Coben’s Shelter?
You can watch and stream Harlan Coben’s Shelter on Prime Video.
This young adult crime thriller series has 8 episodes in total. With each episode, Mickey, Spoon, and Ema get deeper into the cases of people who have disappeared over decades. But the twist in the tale comes when Mickey discovers that his father might still be alive!
Jaden Michael, as Mickey Bolitar, leads the cast of the Prime Video series. Adrian Greensmith and Abby Corrigan play his friends Arthur ‘Spoon’ Spindell and Ema Winslow, respectively. Others involved in the cast are Constance Zimmer as Shira Bolitar, Sage Linder as Rachel Caldwell, and Brian Altemus as Troy Taylor.
How to watch Harlan Coben’s Shelter and stream online?
You must sign up for a Prime Video account to stream the show.
If you haven’t subscribed to Prime Video, you could pick a plan for $14.99 monthly or $139 annually.
The official synopsis of the series reads:
“Harlan Coben’s SHELTER follows the story of teenage Mickey Bolitar and his newfound friends as they attempt to uncover the mystery behind a slew of disappearances in their hometown.”
For more Prime Video updates, check out the movie and TV release schedule for August 28-September 3. Also, check out the streaming release date for Wilderness.
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