Guest Opinion: Moving Pleasanton’s water system forward


Water has been top of mind for many Pleasanton residents recently. In a survey conducted in late spring, we clearly heard that water safety and reliability is one of the community’s highest priorities. I can confidently assure you that City leaders are committed to the long-term stability of our water system and keeping you fully informed about how we are meeting that commitment.

Pleasanton City Manager Gerry Beaudin. (Photo courtesy City of Pleasanton)

We’re now in a water environment that has uncertainty about long-term supply reliability and tougher regulations around PFAS are on the horizon. Water issues can be complicated, and we’re working hard to keep you informed about necessary rate increases, water system improvement projects happening now, and how we’re planning for future safety standards.

You’ve likely seen news and social media coverage recently about the water rate increase — I hope you’ve also seen the information provided by the City.

Nobody likes to pay more for water, but good business practices mean that we must sometimes take difficult steps to maintain our water system. Increasing water rates must be part of the equation to fund vital improvements and be ready when the next crisis affects our ability to provide safe drinking water.

The rate increases will allow for the funding of near-term water distribution system improvements, the continued purchase and delivery of additional water from Zone 7, the addition of three positions to manage, plan and implement solutions for the water distribution system, and to begin the design of two new water wells that will meet the City’s long-term water needs and maintain local control of our drinking water. We know that we also have to replenish the Water Enterprise Fund reserve to ensure the fund remains financially solvent.


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