Based on the namesake Japanese manga series (Guddo Naito Wārudo) written and illustrated by Uru Okabe, Good Night World is a fantasy drama anime show. The plot revolves around the four members of the dysfunctional Arima family. In the real world, they barely acknowledge each other’s existence, unaware that they are part of a happy family unit in a virtual reality online game called Planet. When the said game immerses into the real world, the Arimas are forced to acknowledge the truth.
Season 1, comprising 12 episodes, premiered on Netflix on October 12, 2023. If you are wondering when the second season is coming out, you have come to the right place.
Here’s all the Good Night World Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Good Night World Season 2 release date?
There is no Good Night World Season 2 release date as the first season seems to have covered the entirety of the source material.
Uru Okabe’s original manga series comprises five volumes which were published between December 2015 and January 2017 by Shogakukan, and season 1 of the anime has reportedly adapted all of it. So, it’s safe to assume that there will not be a season 2 unless Okabe releases a sequel series in the future.
However, he is currently working on Good Night World End, an ongoing prequel manga series that debuted in August 2023. If Netflix and Studio Naz, the production company behind Good Night World, wish to expand the fictional universe, they will likely utilize this prequel.
The voice cast includes Daisuke Hirose and Nicolas Roye (English) as Taichirō Arima / Ichi, Nobunaga Shimazaki and Kieran Regan (English) as Asuma Arima / AAAAA, Akio Otsuka and Christopher Swindle (English) as Kojirō Arima / Shirō Akabane, Aya Endō and Erin Yvette (English) as Miyabi Arima / May, Aoi Yūki and Jeannie Tirado (English) as Pico, Ryōhei Kimura and Todd Haberkorn (English) as Leon, Hiroki Nanami and Benjamin Diskin (English) as Sasumata, and more.
Where is Good Night World Season 2 coming out?
Good Night World Season 2 isn’t confirmed to release on Netflix. ComingSoon will provide an update if the circumstances change.
The official synopsis for Good Night World reads:
“Four miserable members of a dysfunctional household have no idea that they’ve formed a happy family unit in an immersive VR game — with each other.
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