Goleta relaunches GoodLandGoodShopping.com online business directory | News Channel 3-12


GOLETA, Calif. – Goleta relaunched GoodLandGoodShopping.com in time for the holiday shopping season.

According to the City of Goleta, “The revamped format, formerly a digital gift card platform, is now an online, interactive business directory designed to encourage residents and visitors to shop, dine, and spend locally.”

This free online business directory has many features to easily find what your looking for, Community Relations Manager Kelly Hoover said, “There are over 800 businesses that call Goleta home, and this online business directory is a one stop shop where you can find them all in one place.  We hope you will use this resource to support Goleta businesses not only during the holidays but year-round and for years to come. Thanks in advance for shopping Goleta and supporting our local economy.”

You can find the new business directory on the city’s website .


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