GlobalStar Travel Management



Key people

James Stevenson, chief executive officer
Chris Weedon, vice president global sales & services
Julian Russell, executive director information technology and supplier relations
Mark van Iersel, executive director marketing & partner recruitment

Number of members


Number of member offices globally


Members include

Agiito (UK), TakeTwo Travel (UK), Omega World Travel (UK), Travel Counsellors (UK), VoyagExpert (France), Nomago Travel (Slovenia), Kuoni Business Travel (Switzerland), Meridian Tours (Turkey),  e-Business Travel (Netherlands), In Out Travel (Spain)

Technology offered to members

Full suite of TMC services to members branded as the Star Suite of solutions. FareStar airfare tool, ReportStar global reporting tool, SecureStar risk management and traveller tracking, OnlineStar online booking tool (proprietary), TripStar app, ProfileStar profile management


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