Posted on: 10 November 2023
Tewkesbury Borough councillors met on Wednesday, 8 November to hear feedback on a series of garden town engagement events that were held throughout October.
The councillors make up the garden town’s Member Engagement Forum – part of the programme’s robust new governance structure, which will ensure representatives of the wider community play an important role in steering the programme.
The engagement seminars, facilitated by engagement specialists Cratus, were run for borough and parish councillors, businesses, community groups and developers. Members of the public were also invited to give their views at a pop-up stand at Tewkesbury’s Fine Food and Craft Fair.
Stakeholder feedback is now being used to directly shape a charter for the garden town. The charter will set out – across several themes such as ‘quality of build’, ‘infrastructure’ and ‘connection to the existing communities’ – what will be expected in the delivery of the development, with all stakeholders being invited to contribute and sign up to it, as part of a joined-up approach to delivery.
Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Leader, Cllr Richard Stanley, said: “It’s been great to see so many people of different ages and backgrounds engaging with the garden town programme and giving us their views and ideas. We’re committed to this being a collaborative effort guided by the input of residents, businesses, and community groups to shape a successful garden town.
“Together, we are creating a vision for the development, reflecting our shared values and expectations. It is heartening to witness the community actively participating in this endeavour, and we look forward to continued collaboration in delivering a garden town we can all be proud of.”
Agendas and minutes from meetings of the new governance structure will be made available at tewkesbury.gov.uk/garden-town.
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