Of late, the Indian D2C retail ecosystem has been making a lot of noise. During the last year, while segments like Edu-Tech and others witnessed a winter in the startup ecosystem, new D2C brands have been steadily entering the race, securing funds, and making the competition more intense than ever.
Considering that the market is set to more than double by 2025, it is becoming increasingly important for D2C players to create a distinct identity and achieve sustainable growth.
Launch events and high-voltage social media campaigns in the early days can help brands create a buzz, but they need more than the bubbles of excitement to keep them afloat in the D2C pool. That’s where it is important to use the following strategies to create brand distinctions and audience affinity over the longer term.
Brand storytelling
A compelling brand story that the audience can resonate with, is a fantastic advantage for any D2C startup. Customers seek authentic and functional solutions to problems they can relate to. Startups that build narratives woven around the problems faced by their target audience are preferred. Alongside providing a solution that works, the storytelling should integrate the brand’s values, mission, and other attributes that make it the right choice. Sharing stories that make the audience feel ‘been there, experienced that’, can build strong emotional connections and establish a loyal customer base that remains invested in the brand’s journey.Leveraging the power of social media and influencer marketing
Many D2C brands built their early success on social media, and continue to leverage the platforms to engage their audience and grow across geographies. In India, each major platform is accessed by hundreds of millions of users, ensuring ample potential audience for all kinds of products. That’s where consistent posting on social media platforms, engaging the audience through awareness campaigns, interactive content, targeted marketing, and influencer-driven marketing continues to deliver great ROI. By handpicking influencers who are well aligned to the brand’s values, and have a mass appeal, brands can amplify their reach and credibility.Uniqueness of products
Creating an outstanding brand presence in the competitive market becomes easier when you have products that are unique, and innovative, and fulfil specific unmet customer needs. Novel features, sustainability of materials, or customization options, are various ways through which you can build a unique, innovative, and impactful brand presence. A commitment to innovation not only generates initial excitement, but also creates a sense of anticipation for future product launches, and keeps customers interested in the long run.
Prioritizing customer experience
Customer empowerment and experience have become the cornerstones of the D2C ecosystem. Companies are prioritizing customer experience over all other aspects and reaping rich benefits from such strategies. From creating a seamless and intuitive website browsing experience to prompt and helpful after-sales support, D2C brands are focusing on all touch points to deliver a delightful and integrated experience to consumers.
Easy navigation, quick and transparent communication, hassle-free returns, discounts, feedback mechanisms, and personalized product recommendations can significantly enhance the customer experience. Companies leveraging strong customer experience also generate additional revenue through referrals, and repeat purchases, and are able to reduce their cost of customer acquisition.
Data-driven marketing
Since the D2C ecosystem is thriving on a digital-first model, there is a continuous flow of consumer data from various touchpoints. This data is not just a storage liability, but a treasure trove of information. Leveraging AI-data analytics tools, D2C startups are able to decode consumer behaviour, and track their purchase patterns, preferences, and frequency. This information helps them create customized marketing strategies, optimize product offerings, and identify sales opportunities at the macro as well as micro levels. Data-driven marketing enables a brand to precisely target its audience with the right message, making the marketing efforts more personalized, impactful, and economical.
Building a brand community
Building a thriving customer community is one of the most powerful ways of creating an engaged and loyal customer base. D2C startups should focus on fostering community engagement through online forums, social media pages, groups, or exclusive membership programmes that create an affinity. Customers can be encouraged to share their brand experiences and feedback, and engage with each other to foster a sense of pride in product ownership, and emotional attachment with the brand. BoAt is a prime example of how to build a loyal and engaged customer community, and the brand has been growing from strength to strength through this smart approach of community building.
Being transparent and authentic
The Indian market is quite competitive, and almost every popular product category has numerous options to choose from. Yet brands manage to enter the segment and carve a niche on the basis of their authenticity and transparency. Be honest about the manufacturing processes, ingredients, raw materials, ethical sourcing, packaging and pricing considerations, etc. Being authentic and sharing verifiable information with the audience builds trust with consumers and creates a perception of a clean and trustworthy brand. Socially conscious consumers and those looking for reliable quality and product performance tend to better support such purpose-driven and authentic brands.
Being a buzzing new entrant in the sector isn’t enough. D2C startups must adopt a holistic approach that emphasizes on brand storytelling, leveraging social media, uniqueness of products, and putting top value on customer experience. When such practices are adopted, it becomes possible to sustain the buzz and convert it into long-term consumer engagement, and build loyal, long-term customer relationships. Irrespective of the unfolding market scenarios, customers will trust such brands and growth will remain sustainable!
(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETRetail.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETRetail.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.)
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