Firefox Going To Ship With Wayland Enabled By Default – Slashdot


Michael Larabel reports via Phoronix: Guardrails have been in place where the Firefox browser has enabled Wayland by default (when running on recent GTK versions) but as of today that code has been removed… Firefox will try to move forward with stable releases where Wayland will ship by default! Mozilla Bug 1752398 to “ship the Wayland backend to release” has been closed this evening! After the ticket was open for the past two years, it’s now deemed ready to hopefully ship enabled for Firefox 121!

This patch drops the “early beta or earlier” check to let Wayland support be enabled by default when running on recent GTK versions (GTK 3.24.30 threshold). Firefox 121 is due for release around 19 December and if all continues to hold, it will finally ship with the Wayland back-end enabled by default as another big step forward.


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