ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive trailer for Unicorn Boy, the coming-of-age animated film by writer, director, animator, and producer Matt Kiel. The movie is set to premiere at the Slamdance film festival on January 22, 2023, and explores “the complexity of first heartbreak and gender identity.”
Unicorn Boy was written, directed, and animated by Kiel, who stars alongside Patton Oswalt, Maria Bamford, Harold Perrineau, Michelle Trachtenberg, Parvesh Cheena, Sarah Natochenny, Katie Leclerc, Brett Davern, Beau Mirchoff, Sethward, Cindy Paola, and Neil Garguilo.
Check out the exclusive Unicorn Boy trailer below:
“The story follows Matty, a down-on-their-luck artist, distraught by a recent breakup, who is magically sucked into a unicorn-run alternate dimension,” says the synopsis. “Now, Matty must work with a new unicorn friend to conquer a dark force, bringing peace to their kingdom and emotional stability to their bleak Silver Lake life.”
Garguilo and Kiel serve as producers on the project, while Kristin Sanchez served as co-producer. Executive producers include Andrew McElroy, Donovan Mannato, Michael Hughes, and Brian Mandle.
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