ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive Love Dump trailer for the upcoming rom-com parody movie from Jane Barbe Productions. The movie is set to debut at the Slamdance Film Festival on January 20 at 1:15 p.m. in the Crescent Room and again on January 23 at 8:00 p.m. in the Ballroom.
“A Hallmark parody about Jessica Dump, who works at a store called Love Dump where she refurbishes trash, and the man she falls in and out of love with, Todd Barkley, a dog lawyer,” reads the film’s synopsis.
Check out the exclusive Love Dump trailer below:
Love Dump was written by Leila Gorstein and Jesse Kendall and directed by Jason Avezzano. It stars Leila Gorstein, Jesse Kendall, Rob Grabowski, EJ Cameron, Zoe Agapinan, George Elrod, Lauren Summers, and Tyler Davis.
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