ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive At the Gates trailer as well as the poster for the upcoming thriller from director Augustus Meleo Bernstein. The film is set to debut in select theaters this month, followed by theaters in New York and Los Angeles on Friday, November 3.
What is At the Gates about?
“Ana (Vanessa Benavente), a housekeeper from El Salvador, brings her teenage son Nico (Ezekiel Pacheco) to help her clean an affluent family’s Los Angeles home,” reads the movie’s synopsis. “But after someone rings the front gate, her employers, Marianne (Miranda Otto) and Peter Barris (Noah Wyle), inform them that immigration officers are searching for them and convince the pair to hide in a basement closet, demanding they hand over their cell phones as a safety precaution. As days go by under the same roof, each family begins to question the other’s true intentions in this riveting and emotional thriller from first-time feature director Augustus Meleo Bernstein.”
Check out the exclusive At the Gates trailer below (watch more trailers and clips):
You can also view the trailer on YouTube below:
At the Gates was written and directed by Augustus Meleo Bernstein and stars Miranda Otto, Noah Wyle, Ezekiel Pacheco, Vanessa Benavente, and Sadie Anne Stanley. It was produced by Jhanvi Motla, Paulo Torres, and Augustus Meleo Bernstein.
You can see the movie’s official poster below:
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