Sustainable transport projects around the EU can now bid for a share of €7 billion being made available by the European Commission with a focus on cross-border initiatives between member states.
The money is part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) which helps to fund schemes designed to build, upgrade and improve transport infrastructure along the proposed trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
TEN-T will create a “sustainable and smart” transport network across the continent linking more than 400 major European cities with airports, railway stations and other transport terminals. It is a key part of the EU’s strategy to reduce emissions and improve transport services for passengers.
Under its European Green Deal, the EU is aiming to cut emissions from transport by 90 per cent by 2050 with TEN-T playing a crucial part of this endeavour.
The latest round of bidding for EU funding is for transport projects that will “improve safety and interoperability”, as well as covering initiatives to enhance the resilience of transport infrastructure against the impact of natural disasters.
Organisations from war-torn Ukraine and neighbouring Moldova can also apply directly for EU transport funding for the first time.
European transport commissioner Adina Valean said: “We are making available over €7 billion for projects that will support a smart and sustainable transport system, with a strong focus on cross-border projects between member states.
“These challenging times have also reinforced the importance of having a strong transport network of railways, inland waterways and maritime routes which will increase our industry’s competitiveness, bring citizens closer together, and anchor Ukraine and Moldova firmly into the EU.”
Applicants are being invited to submit their proposals by 30 January 2024 for this round of funding.
Earlier this month, the commission announced €352 million in new co-funding for 26 low and zero-emission transport projects across 12 EU member states. This money will help to pay for alternative fuels infrastructure along TEN-T.
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