Dutch economy grew by 4.5 percent in 2022


The last few measures to combat coronavirus were abolished in March 2022. At the end of February, Russia invaded Ukraine, which also disrupted the Dutch economy. Inflation rose rapidly as a result. Nevertheless, households continued to spend more than ever before (adjusted for price changes).

Economic growth primarily due to more hours worked and higher consumption

Over half of the economic growth in 2022 was contributed by households and their inclination to buy.
Consumers had enough income to spend on goods and services despite higher prices. Wages did not rise as fast as inflation, but households worked many more hours; 441 thousand new jobs were added last year. The population aged 15 to 74 years in paid work reached an unprecedented size in 2022.

The economy can grow if more hours are worked and/or workers are more productive. Long-term economic growth is mainly achieved through more productive workers (higher labour productivity). The growth in 2022 was largely due to a higher number of hours worked (+3.8 percent). Labour productivity, calculated here as real gross domestic product (GDP) per hour worked, increased much less rapidly.