Dublin business offers to replace glass broken during riots – ‘We want to help’


Damage to a shop on O’Connell Street following the disturbance on Thursday night Picture: Gerry Mooney

A Dublin business is offering to replace broken glass for small businesses in the city from the riots.

Rathmines Glass has stated that they will only charge the cost of materials and will fix any small business’s broken glass windows for free.

A statement posted on Instagram from the small family glass business expressed their desire to help others affected by the recent events in Dublin.

“Are you a small business affected by the events in Dublin over the last few days? Or do you know a small business affected?” the post from Rathmines Glass asked.

“We want to help. We want to offer every business in the city centre free fitting of any glass broken on their premises. We will also clean up and dispose of their old glass. They just pay the trade cost of the glass, which is whatever it cost us.

“Why? Well, we are a small family-run Irish business, and the recent events don’t speak for us.

“No business should be out of pocket for this. It’s disgusting. The number of calls I received yesterday from small business owners looking for a ‘price’ to fix their windows, as they are afraid to put it through their insurance, as their premiums will ‘go through the roof.’

“It’s Christmas, and we gained lots of extra business because of this madness. So, we can give back. I’ve been scratching my head at the whole lot. We want to help.”

Rathmines Glass has expressed their goal to get the city ‘open and trading’ because ‘99.9pc of Irish people are sound.”


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