Diverse values of nature for sustainability – Nature


  • U.P. led the writing (original draft) of the manuscript and the revisions. U.P., P.B., M.C., B.B. and D.G.-J. coordinated the work of whole the team during the IPBES Values Assessment (2018–2022). P.B., U.P., D.G.-J. and M.C. coordinated the methods section. U.P., P.B., C.B.A., R.C.-K., M.C., D.G.-J., A.M., C.M.R., M.T., A.V., S.A., D.N.B., S.J., E.K., R.K., E.L., T.H.M., B.N., P.O.F., S.M.S. and M.v.N. coordinated the analysis of the evidence and contributed to writing the manuscript. The rest of the coauthors collected and analysed the assessed data.


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