Dakota Johnson Likes to Sleep for 14 Hours a Night


Dakota Johnson had her first star turn in “Fifty Shades of Grey,” the 2015 erotic film based on the novel by E.L. James. In it, she plays Anastasia Steele, a college student who begins a BDSM relationship with a handsome billionaire. Now, Johnson, 34, continues to explore the intricacies of women’s sex lives in last month’s “The Disappearance of Shere Hite.”

Johnson narrates the IFC Films documentary about Hite, a feminist sex educator who rose to fame in the 1970s with the publication of her groundbreaking book “The Hite Report,” which compiled findings from her surveys of thousands of women about their sex lives. Hite eventually received so much backlash from men and some critics that she moved to Europe to get out of the spotlight.   

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