The special investigation team (SIT) of the Himachal police probing the cryptocurrency fraud cases conducted searches at a total of 35 locations in the hill state, Punjab and Chandigarh on Saturday, an official statement said.
The SIT personnel recovered crucial evidence in the form of documents, property records, mobile phones and other digital devices, the statement added.
The searches were done on the residential premises of accused/suspects at various locations in Kangra, Mandi, Una, Chamba, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Shimla and Baddi districts besides Punjab and Chandigarh, according to the statement issued by the police headquarters.
The SIT has also obtained various details related to the proceeds of the crime, the statement said.
According to police, the fraudsters from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi district created local cryptocurrency and duped thousands of innocent people of hundreds of crores of rupees in the state.
“The evidence collected during these searches will play a vital role in our ongoing investigation. We are committed to a thorough and fair investigation, leaving no stone unturned in our quest for justice,” the statement read.
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