Coraline (2009) follows the titular girl as she moves to the countryside with her neglectful parents. Coraline then navigates a mysterious and dark fantasy world after discovering a hidden door in her new home. Throughout the story, she evolves from a bored and lonely child into a courageous and resourceful hero. She faces terrifying challenges and uncovers the secrets of the Other World.
Here’s where you can watch Coraline online.
Where can you watch and stream Coraline?
You can watch and stream Coraline on HBO Max.
The cast of Coraline includes Dakota Fanning as Coraline Jones, Teri Hatcher as Melanie Jones and The Beldam (also known as The Other Mother), Jennifer Saunders as April Spink and her Other World counterpart, Dawn French as Miriam Forcible and her Other World counterpart, John Hodgman as Charlie Jones and The Other Father, with John Linnell providing the Other Father’s singing voice, Robert Bailey Jr. as Wyborne Lovat, and Keith David as The Cat.
How to watch Coraline and stream online
To watch and stream Coraline online users need to sign up to HBO Max.
HBO Max provides viewers with a choice of three subscription plans to access their extensive library of content. The first option is the Ad-Lite Plan, available at $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. For those seeking an uninterrupted viewing experience, the Ad-Free Plan is available for $15.99 per month or $149.99 per year. Lastly, the Ultimate Ad-Free Plan is available at $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year, offering not only an ad-free experience but also additional features.
The official synopsis for Coraline reads:
“A young girl discovers an idealized parallel universe behind a secret door in her new home, unaware that it contains a sinister secret.”
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