Companies in Ireland taking ‘little to no action’ on business flying emissions


No Irish company has set targets on the most climate-intensive form of business-travel flying and just one Irish multinational has done say.

Emissions from business travel

A new index from The Travel Smart, which ranks companies on business travel found not one Irish company had set a target to reduce corporate travel emissions.

The one Irish multinational that has, Experian, has addressed the “hidden part of the iceberg” of their non-CO2 emissions associated with their air travel.

READ MORE – Explainer: The UN’s deal to get aviation emissions to net-zero by 2050

READ MORE – The climate impact of Ireland’s biggest airports

The Dublin-based company reports on all its greenhouse gas emissions associated with corporate flights.

The Travel Smart ranking looked at 322 companies and found just 50 had set a target to reduce business lying emissions.


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