Companhia Brasileira de Distribuiçao Netherlands B : Policy of Anti-corruption



Establish the general guidelines on anti-corruption practices contributing to the compliance with the requirements of the current anti-corruption law, especially Brazilian Anti-Corruption Act 12,846/13 (Anti- Corruption Law), Decree 8,420/15, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and French Law on Corruption Practices (Sapin II Law).


This Policy applies to all Employees of GPA’s Areas and Business Units, and publics that relate to the Group, such as, but not limited to Third Parties, Customers, Government, and Shareholders.


Managers: members of the Boards of Directors, Fiscal Council, Advisory Committees, and Employees who hold statutory positions and/or those who make up GPA’s Executive Board and/or hold the position of Director.

Government Agents: those who exercise, even if temporarily or with no compensation, or have exercised in the last five (5) years:

  • By election, appointment, designation, hiring, civil-service examination, or any other form of investiture or relationship, office, position, job, or function in direct and indirect government entities, the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches, whether the Federal Government, States, Municipalities, or the Federal District, including, but not limited to, authorities, police officers, and firefighters;
  • Positions in governments or foreign diplomatic representations and international public organizations, such as, but not limited to, heads of state or government, politicians, and holders of senior government positions, among others listed in COAF Resolution 29/2017;
  • Position of president or national treasurer, or equivalent position, of political parties, political representatives, and candidates for public offices in the last election (municipal, state, district, and federal).
    People related to Government Agents: the following individuals and legal entities related to Government Agents:
    • Kinship up to second degree (grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren), spouse, partner, and stepchildren;


  • (i) Persons with whom the Government Agent has a partnership or joint ownership in companies, with or without corporate veil, act as their proxies, or have any other type of close relationship of public knowledge; (ii) persons who hold the control of companies with or without corporate veil, known for having been created for the benefit of the Government Agent;
  • Companies in which the Government Agent and/or individuals related to him/her hold a direct or indirect interest, or from which they receive any type of benefit.

Investigation Areas: Ombudsman, Internal Area, Property Security, among others, responsible for investigating claims received by the Ombudsman channel.

Things of Value: any gifts, presents, entertainment, trips, money, securities, job offers, scholarships, support for research and charitable contributions, sponsorships of events, acquired or offered by Employees and Third Parties.

Employee: all employees hired by GPA companies through fixed-term, indefinite term, apprenticeship, or internship contracts.

Corruption: any action, direct or indirect, that implies a suggestion, offer, promise, concession (active) or request, demand, acceptance, or receipt (passive) of undue advantages, whether financial or not (“things of value”), to private or Government Agent, such as, but not limited to, bribes or kickback, influence peddling, and favors, in exchange for performing or omitting acts inherent to their duties, or acts that facilitate GPA’s business, operations or activities, or aiming at personal benefits or advantages or advantages for Third Parties.

Managers: Employees who hold a leadership position, namely: President, Vice-Presidents, Directors, Managers, and Coordinators.

GPA: Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição and its Business Units.

Fraud: Any act performed to manipulate information, data, assets, securities, or facts, to illicitly obtain benefits, or jeopardize GPA or third parties.

Money Laundering: Concealing or hiding the nature, origin, location, arrangement, transfer, or ownership of assets, rights, or values resulting from, directly or indirectly, a criminal offense.

Ombudsman: Channel that aims at receiving and mediating solutions that are not in line with GPA’s Code of Ethics and current law, such as fraud, corruption, discrimination, harassment, illegal acts, non- compliance with the internal policies or that have not been resolved by GPA’s processes or channels (in proper time or quality of response), identifying, encouraging improvements in behaviors or processes, and minimizing risks, crisis, or conflicts.


Compliance Program: a set of mechanisms and internal procedures of integrity, audit, and encouragement to the reporting of irregularities and the effective application of GPA’s Code of Ethics, policies, and guidelines, to prevent, detect, and act against frauds, irregularities, and illegal acts against GPA and Brazilian or foreign government.

Third Party: anyone who is not an employee, such as, but not limited to, suppliers, service providers, intermediaries, business partners, and subcontractors.


GPA has a zero-tolerance commitment to any act of corruption, fraud, money laundering, or any type of misconduct involving its employees, third parties, business partners, and anyone involved in GPA’s business.

Under Law 12,846/13, Employees and Third Parties are prohibited to:

  • Give, receive, offer, promise, or authorize undue advantage, either in cash or not, to Government Agents or third parties related to them, directly or through intermediaries;
  • Non-monetarysituations are those related to offering or receiving:
    • Gifts, entertainment, meals, trips, and other hospitalities;
    • Contributions in services;
    • Business, employment, or investment opportunities;
    • Commercial discounts on GPA products or services;
    • Donations, sponsorships, or other corporate social investments;
    • Political Contributions to political parties, candidates, and/or their teams;
    • Assistance or support to relatives and friends;
    • Other benefits or advantages, personal or professional.
  • Finance, fund, sponsor, or get involved, directly or indirectly, in the practice of illegal acts provided for in the applicable legislation;
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