Chippewa Government Solutions recognized during Michigan Celebrates Small Business gala


SAULT STE. MARIE — A small business owned by the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians was recently recognized as one of Michigan’s Top Companies to Watch for 2023.

Chippewa Government Solutions (CGS) is a small, young company owned by Sault Tribe Incorporated, and works closely with the tribe and other government agencies. It was recognized at the Breslin Center in East Lansing on Tuesday, May 2 during the Michigan Celebrates Small Business 19th Annual Awards Gala.

“CGS is an economically vibrant community for the Sault tribe,” said Rachel Heckel, president of CGS. “Our goals are job creation and helping businesses grow and generate income with government contracts. Ultimately, we hope to use that growth of income and business to enhance services for tribal members.”

CGS is only a few years old, being established in 2020, but in that short time it has grown and become a part of many programs in the tribal community.

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CGS is a government contractor working with the tribe, meaning they help establish government programs such as job training, connecting businesses with technical services or establishing government contracts with tribal-owned businesses.

CGS also has contracts with various smaller tribal organizations to provide different services, such as helping with medical staffing, medical lab services and helping find jobs for tribal members.

“Through the creation of the business, we’re able to serve the federal government mission but also the tribe,” said Heckel. “Every contract we get allows us to provide more services for the people we’re serving.”

One major project that CGS is a part of includes the U.S. Army. A big part of what CGS does is helping establish working relationships between government agencies and non-government businesses, such as Tipping Point. Tipping Point Corp is a national company that provides training to many other services, including the military. It’s also owned by Sault Tribe member Rick Schmidt.

Officials said this major project represents a lot of growth for a relatively new company such as CGS, and is part of the reason they were chosen to be recognized with the Michigan Celebrates Small Business award.

At the awards gala, 50 small businesses from throughout the state won awards for their growth and potential as businesses.

The award recipients are chosen by a panel of judges from economic and entrepreneurship development organizations, who evaluate nominees based on employee or sales growth, exceptional entrepreneurial leadership, sustainable competitive advantage, and other notable factors that showcase the company’s success.

— Contact Brendan Wiesner:


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