CEO Magazine ranks MaineMBA as a top tier global MBA program  – UMaine News – University of Maine


CEO Magazine has ranked the University of Maine’s online MBA as a Top Tier program for the fifth consecutive year, with the UMaine Graduate School of Business ranking No. 31 globally.

“The CEO Magazine ranking shows that the MaineMBA program is among the top online MBA programs in the world,” says Norm O’Reilly, dean of the Graduate School of Business. “The emphasis on quality of faculty that CEO Magazine uses in this ranking speaks clearly to the incredible professors we have from the University of Maine and the University of Southern Maine who teach in our MaineMBA program. Bringing together business faculty within the University of Maine System to form the Graduate School of Business enables the incredible growth we have seen in the MaineMBA.”

CEO Magazine has been showcasing top business schools from around the globe since it first launched in 2008. In 2012, the publication launched its annual Global MBA Rankings, profiling MBA, Executive MBA, and Online MBA programs. This year, CEO Magazine contacted business schools across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa and ranked data from 121 schools.

Using a ranking system entirely geared and weighted toward fact-based criteria, CEO Magazine aims to cut through the noise and provide potential students with a performance benchmark for those schools under review.

The complete CEO Magazine 2023 Global MBA Rankings can be found here:


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