Centre over budget as it counts the cost of falling interest in films


The South Holland Centre ended up costing £124,000 more than budgeted last year – with falling film ticket sales partly to blame.

A business plan to boost the fortunes of the Spalding arts venue – which saw staff cuts made to save money in 2021 – was due in October, but has still not been signed off by council bosses.

A report for councillors on South Holland District Council’s Performance Monitoring Panel outlines the financial performance of the centre, which needed a fix to the roof in November after flood damage.

The South Holland Centre

The budget was for a council subsidy of £289,793 for 2022/23 but that ended up being £414,041.

Income was down by £41,224 on projections, trading expenses were £65,396 higher and salary costs were £36,908 more than predicted.


The report stated: “Income fell short of budgeted amounts with main areas for concern being shortfalls in film income, room hire, other hire fees and rental income (catering).”

It added: “Film attendance has not recovered as hoped – the team have mitigated the cost of multiple screenings by reducing film programming alongside a review and subsequent adjustement in opening hours.”

The 2022 pantomime – Cinderella – was a success story, with record attendances and a nomination for the National Pantomime Awards.

The council had said its staffing structure changes in 2021 slashed more than £200,000 off the cost of running the centre – but had faced criticism from a campaign that expressed concern that these cuts would harm the centre in the long run.

The venue has also struggled to find a firm to take on the catering facilities – with Moninna’s and the team behind Ayscoughfee Hall Cafe having short-lived tenures in the cafe space.

A £50,000-a-year Arts Council England fund was also lost last year.


The report states that the business plan – which members voted to set up last June – has been worked one. It was originally due by the end of October but the new report suggests that this is being reviewed after the election in May.

Fees and charges are also going to be reviewed – with any changes to come in place in January.

Members will discuss the report at their committee meeting on Tuesday.


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