CDA Updates: CDBG webinar, Vacancy Strategy launch event, ARPA for the Arts, North St. Louis Small Business and Non-Profit Grants, Affordable Housing Forum, Jobs, and more!


Webinar: 2024 CDBG Virtual RFP Overview:
Timeline, Process, Eligible Applicants & Uses

Monday 8/7 at 3 pm via Zoom

The Community Development Administration (CDA) will host a webinar to inform interested parties and potential applicants about the 2024 CDBG funding cycle. Topics will include a general overview of the RFP, the funding cycle timeline, eligible applicants, and eligible uses. Click here for Zoom information.

Attendees will be asked to register with their e-mail address, so CDA can follow up with relevant information and updates.

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program supports community development activities to build stronger and more resilient communities by funding public services, economic development, community assets, and more. CDA has more than $5 million in 2024 CDBG funds available for competitive proposals and the annual funding cycle will begin in August. Click here to see 2024 CDBG Funding Cycle information.


You are invited! Vacancy Strategy Initiative Launch

Tuesday, August 15 | 4 – 6pm

Clay Elementary School 3820 North 14th Street St. Louis, MO 63107

Please join The St. Louis Vacancy Collaborative (VC) and the Community Development Administration (CDA) for the launch of a new Vacancy Strategy Initiative – a 2-year partnership in the ongoing challenge to reduce the negative impacts of vacant and abandoned properties in the City of St. Louis.

The VC is a coalition created to coordinate existing vacancy efforts under one umbrella and to empower the public and private sectors to work together toward solutions. With funding from CDA, the Collaborative will be able to increase staffing and leverage unprecedented new partnerships with the City of St. Louis’ departments and agencies, St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC), Land Reutilization Authority (LRA), and St. Louis Regional Data Alliance (RDA) to support cross-departmental coordination, facilitate community engagement, and measure impacts with publicly accessible data tools.

Click here to RSVP

Neighborhood Transformation Grants Update
Housing Production Funding Recommendations Anticipated Week of August 14

The Neighborhood Transformation Grants NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) from the Community Development Administration was issued in March 2023 seeking project proposals in Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs) and Economic Justice Index areas in the city. Proposals were due on May 15, 2023.

CDA received an overwhelming response to this NOFA with over 223 projects proposed in all categories totaling $214,040,441.43 in funding requests (of $20.25 million in ARPA funds are available). CDA staff are busy rating hundreds proposals.

CDA is excited to announce that funding recommendations for housing proposals are anticipated to be posted the week of August 14! The announcement will be followed by community engagement and contract discussions with final awards being made by the end of the year. The recommendations will be posted at

The best way to stay updated on Neighborhood Transformation Grants and other funding cycles is by subscribing to the CDA e-newsletter!

CDA staff meet for the Neighborhood Transformation Grants (Housing Production) rating kick-off meeting in July 2023. CDA is hiring for several positions to administer ARPA funded funded grants and projects.

RAC Opens ARPA for the Arts Grant Applications

The Regional Arts Commission to Administer More Than $3 Million in Revenue Replacement Grants

The Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis (RAC), in partnership with the City of St. Louis and Community Development Administration (CDA), is providing ARPA for the Arts Revenue and Income Replacement grants through funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for eligible St. Louis City artists and arts organizations.

The funding provided under ARPA provides a unique opportunity for local governments to enhance financial stability and cover temporary shortfalls while economic conditions continue to normalize within the arts and culture sector. Grant applications opened August 1, 2023 and close October 15, 2023. Click here to read more on RAC’s website.

North St. Louis Small Business and Non-Profit Grant Program is Open!

North St. Louis businesses and non-profits that have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are located in targeted geographic areas can now apply for the North St. Louis Small Business and Non-Profit Grant Program. The City of St. Louis, through its Community Development Administration (CDA), has allocated $37 million of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC), for the administration of the grant program, originally defined in Board Bill 82 (2022-23 session) and amended in Board Bill 37 (2023-24 session).

The intent of the program is to provide economic development and empowerment assistance to small businesses and non-profits located in North St. Louis, where there exists a demonstrated need to reverse the effects of decades of disinvestment. The program will focus investment in the following geographic areas:

  • Business or non-profit located on or North of Delmar Boulevard

  • Located in a Qualified Census Tract (QCT) OR

  • Located in EJI Area 1 or 2

  • Eligible established small businesses or non-profits as defined in the grant application

  • Verify Geographic Eligibility

Clear here to learn more on SLDC’s website.

Town Hall Meeting: Housing City Residents

Thursday, August 24 | 6 –  7:30 pm

Urban League 2125 Bissell Street, St. Louis, MO 63107

Stable housing is a human right and the baseline for economic mobility. Yet, St. Louis residents are struggling to find, afford and keep their homes. Join Board of Aldermen President Megan Green, CDA Executive Director Nahuel Fefer, and local housing representatives for a conversation on how we can make high-quality, sustainable and affordable housing a reality for all St. Louisans. Use the form here to submit your question to the panel. Questions submitted online will be used to drive the discussion.

CDA Builds Capacity: Career Opportunities

The Community Development Administration (CDA) serves as a clearinghouse for federal funds and is charged with deploying and leveraging $178,200,000 in ARPA funds to drive economic justice by supporting a wide range of public and private entities working to provide public services to low to moderate income city residents, build affordable housing, combat blight, and conduct various other community development activities. With a commitment to impact, accountability, and compliance with federal regulations, CDA is seeking to fill many open positions.

Interested individuals can learn more about these opportunities and submit applications by visiting The following positions are open for applications:

Please note that the four grants administrator positions, the grants manager position, and one of the Program Manager II positions are term-limited through 2026.

CDA will also issue RFPs early this month seeking: 1) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Services; 2) Five Year Consolidated Plan Drafting Services; 3) Market Value Analysis Services; and 4) CDBG Disaster Recovery Administrative Services. Contact for more info.

Healthy Home Repair: Contractors Needed!

CDA offers competitive compensation for Heathy Home Repair Program projects. Contractors interested in projects should apply at

Homeowners seeking repairs can click here to learn more.


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