Camerons Lane Interchange



We’re planning for a potential interchange at the intersection of Camerons Lane and the Hume Freeway in Beveridge.

As part of our planning, we’re investigating potential solutions to:

  • create a new freeway interchange at Camerons Lane
  • cater for rapid population growth and increased vehicle movements
  • unlock and support future urban development in the high growth area
  • improve access to and across the freeway
  • reduce congestion and improve travel times
  • improve safety.

Camerons Lane Interchange project overview map

Planning and development

We’re currently undertaking planning and development work to inform the potential Camerons Lane Interchange. This includes traffic modelling, environmental and site investigations, and planning studies.

This will give us a complete picture of the area, allowing us to understand potential environmental impacts, develop design options, and confirm scope and costs of different options.

Our planning will build on the previous development work completed by the Department of Transport and Planning (formally VicRoads). We’ll review the technical studies and designs previously developed and use these to inform our planning. We’ll also consider any recent changes in the area, including population growth.

Technical investigations

To help inform our planning, we’ll complete roadside technical investigations. At times, we may need to implement traffic control measures, including temporary lane closures, stop/slow traffic and reduce speeds. We’ll keep traffic disruption to a minimum and avoid busy periods.


A business case is currently being developed and our work is expected to be complete in 2024.

The business case will provide a detailed examination of the potential interchange to help inform government decision-making.


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