Business Briefs for Nov. 26: patents awarded


In Brief

• JDHQ H​o​lding of Loveland​ won a federal contract award for $12,608 from the Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Ogden, Utah, for meeting venue region 2 national forest service.

• An inventor from Loveland, Christopher Noskowicz, ​w​as awarded a patent (No. US 11815333 B2, initially filed Oct. 6, 2022) for “Intensity adapting optical aiming reticle.”​

• A​vago Technologies International Sales Pte. Ltd. of Singapore has been assigned a patent (No. US 11817796 B2, initially filed July 25, 2022) developed by three inventors​, including  Marc Keppler​ of Windsor ​and Jim Le​ of Fort Collins,  for “Rectifier dynamic boost.”

• C​omptek Technologies LLC of Aurora has been assigned a patent (No. US 11817614 B2, initially filed June 8, 2022) developed by three inventors​,​ including Lawrence E Pitoniak​ of Loveland, ​for “Wireless access point thermal management.”

• M​icron Technology Inc. of Boise, Idaho​, has been assigned a patent (No. US 11817152 B2, initially filed Aug. 22, 2022) developed by three inventors​, including Bruce A. Liikanen​ of Berthoud, ​for “Generating embedded data in memory cells in a memory sub-system.”

• Water Pik Inc. of Fort Collins has been assigned a patent (No. US 11813622 B2, initially filed May 27, 2020) developed by Preston Peterson of Loveland  for “Showerhead with inline engine porting.”

• X​ilinx Inc. of San Jose, Calif​., has been assigned a patent (No. US 11816335 B1, initially filed April 26, 2022) developed by three inventors​,​ including Paul R. Schumacher​ of Berthoud, for “High-throughput regular expression processing with capture using an integrated circuit.”

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