Business and Community Awards Launched at Net World Sports – Wrexham Council News


We recently attended the launch of the upcoming Business and Community Awards to be held later on in the year which took place at Net World Sports on Wrexham Industrial Estate.

The launch event was very well attended with approximately 200 local businesses represented.

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Award categories so far announced are:

  • Best Business – Micro
  • Best Business – Small
  • Best Business – Medium
  • Best Business – Large
  • Social Enterprise Award
  • Business Start-up Award
  • Diversion and Inclusion Award
  • Apprenticeship Award
  • School/College Business Project Award
  • Green Business Award
  • Social Responsibility Award
  • Welsh Language Inclusivity Award

A website dedicated to the Awards will be live in early May with further details but in the meantime you can email for updates.

Cllr Nigel Williams, Lead Member for Economy and Regeneration, said, “Wrexham is on an exciting journey. We are a new city, close runners up in the city of culture bid and this will be another exciting addition to that.

“Apart from the Hollywood glitter in Wrexham, we have many “stars” within our own communities ranging from multi national organisations who have chosen to make Wrexham their base to sole traders, social enterprises, apprentices and school business projects.

“We’re proud to be one of the founding sponsors of this event which will celebrate and showcase the best of what Wrexham businesses have to offer.

“It was great to see the launch event well attended by so many local businesses and I would like to thank Alex Lovén for hosting it and being so enthusiastic about the awards.”

Amy Chadwick, Director at Net World Sport, said, “We are delighted to host the first awards ceremony here at our brand new HQ on the 10th November. This is all about showcasing the amazing work so many businesses and the people of Wrexham do. Bringing everyone together to celebrate and network as one.

“The idea of these awards is that it’s not just a one night thing, it’s also about giving back to the community and really trying to make a change so that everyone in Wrexham can see they have a chance.

“It’s a not-for-profit event so 50% of the “profits” will be donated back to local charities, and the remainder will roll over to help fund next year’s awards and have some bigger events in the lead up to it.”

Net World Sport

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