Buried, but alive – Part 2


Text: John 11:40-44; 2 Kings 13:20-21

To be buried, but alive can mean that everything about you is caged. This includes your wealth, health, marriage, finances, career and ministry. Again, it means that nobody can take note of you. When you cry for help nobody hears or sees your predicament. Some people are truly crying for help, today, but nobody is seeing them or answering them. If you are in such situation, may helpers come your way, today, in Jesus’ name.

To be buried, but alive also means to be physically alive, but spiritually dead.There are different types of grave for the burial of a man or his destiny.

The first is the grave of sickness. The victims of this can nurse a particular sickness until death if not delivered. In such a case, they can give up the ghost at the slightest error or even when least expected.

A young man travelled to his village to build a house and an old woman walked up to him and asked, if he had seen anyone erect a story building in that village. He ignored the woman and continued with his project. A few days later, he fell sick and discovered that his whole body was decaying from inside, while he is still alive. When he came to me for prayers, I could not help holding my breath because of the stench. Thank God, he was delivered.
In 2 Kings 5:1-10, we see the case of Naaman whose body was covered with leprosy. He was buried in such a deadly disease, yet actively functioning as the captain of a great army. That sickness would have led to his untimely death if not for divine intervention.

Another type of grave is the grave of poverty. If the enemy buries a man in such a grave, he will continue to be indebted until death. His business will always go down and all effort to boost his financial status will fail.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we see a clear example of such. A man of God used his children as collateral for a loan and could not pay back until his death. He left for his wife and children, an inheritance of debts, shame and poverty. Thank God for the wife who sought the help of a higher prophet and they were delivered. What you need to come out of your ugly situation is often around you. The prophet spoke a word to the woman. You need the word of God as illumination to help you see that little oil you have that God can multiply.

Secondly, you need the grace and the anointing to know what to do to come out of your situation. May God release unto you His light and anointing to come out every grave of poverty in Jesus’ name.

The grave of shame is another one that we shall consider. The victims of this case experience shame everywhere they find themselves. Even in their dreams they find themselves all stained or covered in faeces. They could also dream of being naked and looking for clothes to wear. Such persons eventually die of shame. Isa 61:7 says: “For your shame, you will have double honour and everlasting joy.”May God lift you up and compensate you. Those who look down on you will begin to look up to you in Jesus’ name, Joel 2:26-27.

Prayer Points
• Any witch or wizard eating me raw while I am still alive, die in the name of Jesus.
• Ancient foundation of poverty in my family line, holding my wealth captive, break in the name of Jesus.
• Every grave clothes of my father’s house limiting my life, catch fire in Jesus name.
• I exhume my buried glory from the ancient grave in my father’s house in Jesus’ name.
• O Lord, separate me from whatever is bringing shame to my life in Jesus’ name.
• Father, by your mercy, turn my shame to honour in Jesus’ name.

• Reverend John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. dtimchurch@gmail.com. Prayerline: +2348135952623


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