Being hard-working and motivated are top traits needed for business success


Small business owners have shared the top attributes required to make it in the business world – including self-belief, resilience, and determination

Being hard-working is the top personality trait needed to become a successful entrepreneur(SWNS)

The top traits needed to become a successful business entrepreneur include being hard-working (48%) and motivated (44%), according to business owners.

Being well organised is also crucial for success, according to 42% of SME owners and sole traders – while self-belief and resilience complete the top five attributes needed.

A survey of 500 adults, who run their own business, found that over three-quarters (77%) said that starting their enterprise was one of the best things they ever did.

And other personality traits they credit for their success include determination, confidence, good time management, and a focus on achieving their goals.

The study comes as career expert Sarah Berry who has spent more than 30 years analysing the personality traits of successful business owners, also said sales skills, a sense of purpose, and a willingness to take action are key – along with resilience, adaptability, and flexibility.

Business owners also need to be relentless, resilient, and determined(SWNS)

She said: “Unless you take action, you won’t do anything. Any action is better than no action.

“People often say “I’m worried about making a mistake”. That’s not really important because you’ve got to take action, even if it doesn’t turn out how you want it to.


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