BEDC invites students for summer business programme


Updated: Mar 23, 2023 09:02 PM

David Burt, the Premier, talking with students at a previous BEDC summer programme (File photograph)

Applications are open for a summer programme that has generated more than $26,700 in revenue for young Bermudian entrepreneurs.

The deadline for the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation’s summer student entrepreneur programme is April 30.

The eight-week course is designed to develop young Bermudians into the island’s next wave of business owners. Participants ages 16 to 23 will learn practical business skills such as earning revenue, creating a business plan, conducting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat analyses, and more.

Students get paid for attending each meeting, and there are prizes for the students with the most profit.

So far, 47 students have graduated from SSEP since its inception in 2017. Seven young people completed SSEP last year, with business ideas ranging from lawn care to clothing to video games and jewellery.

Zen Marley Mello, 17, won the creativity award for his custom animations business Zenimations.

He said: “There is no limit to who can be an entrepreneur or what the idea is. It’s just about how you are going to approach it. Entrepreneurship is in my future, because I want to call my own shots.”

The programme’s goal is not just to assist participants with earning money over the summer, but to also impart an entrepreneurial mindset for the future.

SSEP runs from July 3 to August 25.

For more information click here.


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