BCI Global Board Elections 2023


A message from Heather Merchan, Chair of the BCI Board:

The BCI is seeking nominations for two Elected Director roles on the board. Successful candidates will assume responsibilities effective 1st December 2023.

The two available seats pertain to positions held by Pete Frielinghaus and Milena Maneva. Pete has completed his initial three-year term as an Elected Director and will need to seek re-election alongside new candidates. Milena has resigned from the board at my request. This is due to the potential for conflict of interest arising from Milena’s leadership position with Resilience Think Tank. I would like to thank Milena for her strong contributions to the BCI Board over the past six months. Milena is fierce in her commitment to volunteering, delivering results, and demonstrates rare energy and passion for the profession. I appreciate Milena’s grace and dignity in resolving this matter and supporting me in fulfilment of my Chair duties.

Directors are responsible for approval of BCI strategy and policy, and providing oversight of business plans, priorities, and budgets. They are also accountable for ensuring the BCI operates in the interests of the organization, considering the interests of Members and the profession. While the board makes strategic decisions and monitors ongoing performance in line with agreed goals, it entrusts operational matters to the Central Office team.

All BCI Voting Members will be invited to vote for their preferred nominees, and successful nominees will assume Director responsibilities for a three-year period. Eligibility rules for those standing for the board can be viewed in full in the BCI Bylaws (section C2).

Please note, nominations cannot be accepted from Members residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, and Hong Kong due to current Elected Directors being residents in these locations.

The following timetable will be observed:

Stage Date (all times midnight UK time)
Call for nominations 5th October 2023
Nomination period closes 19th October 2023
Voting opens 26th October 2023
Voting closes 9th November 2023
Results announced 29th November 2023 at AGM
New board member/s start their tenure 1st December 2023

The election will be administered on behalf of the BCI by Civica Election Services (CES). If you are a BCI voting Member, please ensure that your contact details are up to date by logging into your profile on the BCI website. Please expect emails about the elections directly from CES and not the BCI. 

If you wish to self-nominate for the BCI Board please submit your details via the following link, no later than Thursday 19th October – please login into your website profile to access the link. 

Your eligibility is dependent on at least one year of active service in one or more of the following groups:

  • Any BCI Chapter organising committee with active involvement in the last 12 months
  • Any BCI special interest group organising committee with active involvement in the last 12 months
  • Awards Judge Panel (must have judged at least 1 award in the last 12 months)
  • Technical Review Panel (must have actively taken part in a review in the last 12 months)
  • Membership Assessors Panel (must have carried out at least 1 assessment in the last 12 months)
  • Membership Audit Panel
  • Professional Conduct Committee or Appeals Committee (must have taken part in a case in the last 12 months)
  • Any Next Practice think tank (with active contribution in the last 12 months)

Furthermore, you will not be eligible if you are employed or hold a volunteer position with the Disaster Recovery Institute (DRII) or are a Director or person having control within any membership organization active in Business Continuity or Resilience.

You must be able to commit sufficient time to conduct the Board role competently in accordance with role descriptions that may be published from time to time and must confirm that you are aware of any statutory duties that apply to you personally and collectively under the Companies Act 2006 (UK) prior to taking up your appointment. Guidance and training will be provided to successful nominees.


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