Bay Harbor Re appoints Nick Zielinski as new Chief Actuary – Reinsurance News


Cayman Islands-domiciled Bay Harbor Re has appointed Nick Zielinski as its new Chief Actuary.

According to the firm, Zielinski holds a comprehensive background in both commercial and personal lines insurance and reinsurance, with broad experience in program business, captives, and catastrophe reinsurance.

His most recent role saw him oversee Accident Fund’s Actuarial team focused on P&C program reinsurance pricing and reserving. Zielinski is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS) and holds a Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Mathematics from the University of Michigan.

Bay Harbor Re was launched back in April of this year as a collateralised reinsurer by former AF Group director, Keith Plummer. The firm is domiciled in the Cayman Islands with offices in Florida.

“Bay Harbor’s model is fueled by being entrepreneurial, willing to be disciplined in our underwriting but flexible in our product offerings,” The firm explained.

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It continued, “With leading underwriting expertise with both traditional carrier and MGA backgrounds, Bay Harbor staff is designed to understand the entire insurance vertical, not just reinsurance.

“This allows Bay Harbor to understand risks, ways to customize coverages, and how to price risks to ensure efficient expense structures. This partnership and customizable product approach supports long-term profitable relationships.”

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