Developed by Sharon Horgan, Dave Finkel, and Brett Baer and based on the Flemish series Clan, Bad Sisters is an Irish black comedy series that revolves around the five Garvey siblings: Eva, Grace, Ursula, Bibi, and Becka. Following the mysterious death of John Paul, the abusive husband of Grace, the sisters draw the attention of Thomas “Tom” Claffin, who has inherited his father’s insurance company, Claffin & Sons. As his business faces bankruptcy and holds John Paul’s life insurance policy, Tom begins investigating the other man’s death for foul play.
Season 1 began streaming between August 19, 2022, and October 14, 2022, and garnered critical acclaim. If you are wondering when the second season is coming out, we got you covered.
Here’s all the Bad Sisters Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Bad Sisters Season 2 release date?
Bad Sisters Season 2’s release date could arrive by the first half of 2024.
In November 2022, about a month after season 1 finished airing, Apple TV renewed Bad Sisters for Season 2. Series co-creator and star Sharon Horgan subsequently said in a statement, “If you’d have told me three years ago that I’d be making a series about five murderous sisters chasing a man around Ireland trying to kill him I’d have said; yeah, that sounds about right. The response to our show had been beyond what we could have hoped for. It gave us the opportunity to shine a light on stories that don’t always get such a global platform. I look forward to getting chilly in the Irish Sea one more time.”
In June 2023, Horgan confirmed that she was writing the second season of Bad Sisters. As the show is a UK production, it wasn’t affected by the WGA strike. The season went into production in September in Donabate, Dublin, also unaffected by the Actors’ strike. Considering this, it can be speculated that Bad Sisters Season 2 can come out in the first half of 2024.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have at the time of this writing.
The cast includes Sharon Horgan as Eva Garvey, Anne-Marie Duff as Grace Williams, Eva Birthistle as Ursula Flynn, Sarah Greene as Bibi Garvey, Eve Hewson as Becka Garvey, Brian Gleeson as Thomas “Tom” Claffin, Daryl McCormack as Matthew “Matt” Claffin, Assaad Bouab as Gabriel, Claes Bang as John Paul “JP” Williams, and more.
Where is Bad Sisters Season 2 coming out?
Bad Sisters Season 2 is anticipated to come out on Apple TV Plus in the first half of 2024.
This is because Horgan co-developed the series through her production company Merman for Apple TV Plus. ComingSoon will provide an update when the release date is officially announced.
The official synopsis for Bad Sisters reads:
“The tight-knit Garvey sisters have always looked out for each other. When their brother-in-law winds up dead, his life insurers launch an investigation to prove malicious intent—and set their sights on the sisters, all of whom had ample reason to kill him.”
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